Friday, July 18, 2008

Flickr - thing 5

I love the Flickr website, however in using the search term butterfly, I found some questionable photos that I wouldn't want my kids to see. I did find this photo capturing 2 of my favorite animals! What wonderful photography! It is called
Alfredo and the butterfly by murilo- and was taken on November 17, 2006, uploaded November 17, 2006
See more of -murilo-'s photos, or visit his profile.
Since I teach elementary K-5th grade kids, I'm not sure about using flickr creative commons in the classroom. I'm not sure the photos are screened properly for young eyes in mind. I will use it to enhance some of my lessons, planned in advance, of course.
Terri May


VWB said...

were you in the Creative Commons area of flickr when came across your pictures you did no like? That is really unusual.

Terri said...

Yes, I was in Dr. Bishop's class and we were exploring the Creative Commons files and I used the tag "beach" and pictures of what appear to be teens having a party at a beach location showed up. I was thinking I would get actual pictures of sand, water and maybe sunsets, not parties. Might be ok for older students, but not my elementary kids.

Cindy Schulze said...

You seem to like photograhy (based on your avatar). As far as the inappropriate things out there go, you probably found a similar experience with the online generators. I guess some of these things are good for us to utilize for things for things we create, but not necessarily for our kiddos.