Thursday, July 31, 2008

thing #14 - technorati blog search

At first, I didn't care for Technorati very much because it seemed busy and complicated to me, but as I watched the videos and read the blog about it, I began to realize what a great tool it can be in searching for blogs about topics that interest you. In the YouTube video, one of the executives said that blogs are stories of real human experience unedited, while shows and websites for companies may have gone through layers and layers of editors. He also said that Technorati connects real people directly with other real people. Now, someone searching for a normal person's real opinion about something can search the web using Technorati's tag system and connect with that person.
While I was at the Technorati website, I went ahead and registered my blog and am including the link here:

Technorati Profile


Alice Grabowski said...

Hey! I just added you to my Technorati favorites (but I didn't take the time to do all the tags like I should have) so now maybe we are even and growing in authority! Agrab.

Terri said...

Thanks Alice, I need all the help I can get!