Sunday, July 27, 2008

#11 - Library thing

I really love this tool for keeping track of your personal books! I wish I would have known about this 15 years ago when I was really buying a lot of books for my classroom. Now, I have so many books that it's going to be hard to start. I guess I'll startwith my more current books that I'm reading and eventually work my way back.

Setting up my account and entering some books was extremely easy. I even put in some tags for future use. I also like how you can join a group with similar people. I joined the Librarians who Library thing. I didn'e enter into any dicsussions yet, just watched for awhile. I also skimmed through the talk tab at the top and clicked on a few of the Harry Potter discussions. Very interesting!

The last thing I did was to look at the local tab and entered my zip code to see what events are taking place. It said there weren't any listed within 10 miles of my area. I might need to broaden that out to 20 miles or so, since La Porte doesn't have many big venues. I tried to enter the RSS into my reader for my group and local events, but it popped up that there weren't feeds available for those links.

1 comment:

Checkin' Out Books said...

I have to go back and check locally through zip codes. Perhaps we will pop up each other since we relatively close.