Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing #15 - Web 2.0

When I became a new librarian with no experience and little training, I didn't know half the responsibilities of the position. And when I began this class (Media and Technology) and the 23 Things project, I really didn't know just how much technology and web innovations I was missing. If I were a boat, there were many icebergs standing in the way of my effort to bring my school library into and beyond a world of transition! I'm not sure I'm ready to embrace a library of total virtual reality, but I am impressed by OCLC's Open Worldcat Project, which apparently enables libraries to open their metadata to a much broader audience, worldwide in fact! Now, using RSS feeds, John Reimer,
says that libraries like UCLA can "send" their content out to users in their preferred settings. Furthermore, webtools can be incorporated to allow users to submit reviews, assign tags and participate in the library in other forms, not just as a receiver of information. In this way, libraries are "harnassing collective intelligence" by incorporating "coopoperative cataloging, resource sharing, and virtual reference cooperative," says Chip Nilges, Vice President of OCLC's News services.
It's all very impressive, and some of the future world will be incorporated into the elementaty school libraries, however, I still think young elementary children need the warmth, tenderness and compassion of a school librarian.


VWB said...

Believe me, no one is advocating doing away with the person! on any level.

Terri said...

AMEN to that!!! I love my library job too much!
Thanks, Terri

Amanda said...

I am really glad that I am taking this technology course before I start as a librarian this coming year. Just like you; I had no idea that many of these tools existed!